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 Benjamin fullford (Anglais)

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Benjamin fullford (Anglais) Empty
MessageSujet: Benjamin fullford (Anglais)   Benjamin fullford (Anglais) I_icon_minitimeMar 1 Fév 2011 - 21:06

Revolution in West now seems inevitable despite last-ditch fascist planning

December 20, 2010

The situation in Europe and the United States is continuing on what now seems an unstoppable trend towards revolution. The stoning of Prince Charles’s car in England was deliberately planned and orchestrated by revolutionary forces operating at the highest level of power, according to a revolutionist source. This group is the same one that carried out the French, American and Russian revolutions. Their message to the royal families of Europe is: “we can get to you at any time we wish.” Ongoing negotiations between US general Petraeus and the Vatican in Ireland are probably part of a last ditch effort by the Satanists to remain in power by offering Petraeus the job of dictator of the United States. This will not be allowed to happen, opposition sources promise.
The royal families, for their part, have organized a summit of all the royal families from around the planet, including the 7 Chinese royal families, in Vienna between Christmas and New Years (the meeting was postponed from an earlier reported date in November). The meeting will discuss unifying all the world’s royal families into a single clan, according to a member of the British royal family.
The Chinese Mr. X, for his part, has asked us to write that “Master A.K. requests that the Dragon Family Committee of Elders come quickly out of hiding to resist the Satanists and save the West from further destruction.” The White and Black Dragon societies for their part believe the elders should make utterly sure of their safety before making any such move.
Master A.K. also said that due to a mistake by the interpreter, he was misquoted in last week’s newsletter. He says the alien told him that the Satanists would not be allowed to rule the planet and that if they did temporarily take power, then the aliens would come to rule the earth and would do so in a very harsh manner. The alien also told him “the planet was such a tiny speck of dust that the people living on it are stupid to be fighting each other.” He also clarifies that Chinese have prepared prison camps in Xinxiang for the Satanists not shelters.
Nonetheless, it would still be dangerous for the Chinese to admit them. It is also unlikely the Americans will let the Satanists leave the country. Henry Kissinger, for example, was recently stopped by the CIA from leaving the country. A suitcase full of cash was also seized and he was told not to leave the US, CIA sources say.
Our own sources in MI6 and elsewhere are telling us Master A.K. was a representative of the Hu Jintao faction of the Chinese government. The Chinese are now pondering various issues and are unlikely to make any move or communicate with the White and Black dragons for a few weeks. The Chinese know that time is on their side and so they need not hurry.
Meanwhile, back in the United States, CIA sources say a background check has revealed that, much to the disappointment of many within the military and intelligence community, incoming house majority leader Jason Boehner is also a Satanist and thus cannot be trusted as a replacement for President Obama. These same sources also say that although Ron Paul, the leader of the anti-Fed forces has been given the job of chairman of the committee that oversees the Fed, he will be blocked at every step of the way as he tries to abolish the Fed.
Many in the military/intelligence community are now thinking of having Jesse Ventura lead them as they carry out a purge of Washington D.C. He might not be good at managing the country but he would be good at cleaning house, they say.
However, other sources are saying the situation in the US will become increasingly chaotic in January and the US will have to fall further into chaos before the ponderous pentagon bureaucracy makes any serious moves. For now the pentagon is frantically war-gaming various scenarios of economic collapse and domestic military intervention.
In Europe, meanwhile, the spontaneous emergence of anti-establishment hacking groups is one of the many signs of imminent EU collapse. The peoples of Ireland, Portugal, Spain etc. are looking at Iceland and realizing it is better for a country to allow banks to collapse than it is to take on generations of debt slavery. Ireland is now expected to be the first country to leave the Euro. They will not be the last.
Etienne Davignon, Chairman of the Bilderberg Group, for his part, has again contacted the White Dragon society. Through his sources, Davignon has obtained a copy of the impending $1 trillion lawsuit charging Daniele Dal Bosco, Giancarlo Bruno, the Davos World Forum, the UN and Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi etc. as being members of a criminal organization. He hinted that perhaps the lawsuit should not go ahead. However, our sources are saying that police and intelligence agencies worldwide are planning to use the lawsuit as a trigger mechanism for a systematic global purge of the Satanists.
The Satanists, for their part, have sent one Turkish and one Albanian agent, both carrying Bulgarian passports, to Japan to try to assassinate White Dragon society members. It is a sign of their desperation and stupidity if they think they can now put the genie back into the bottle with a few targeted killings.
The purge of Satanists from Japan’s power structure is continuing and, as we reported last week, general elections and a new government are now expected possibly as early as January. The new financial system is also being readied and, if things go well, generous funding will begin to flow towards all sorts of worthy causes worldwide possibly as early as this month. This will make it possible to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and release the forbidden technologies. Humanity is about to be freed from millennia of slavery.

Source : (article payant)
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Benjamin fullford (Anglais) Empty
MessageSujet: Benjamin fullford (Anglais) n°2   Benjamin fullford (Anglais) I_icon_minitimeMar 1 Fév 2011 - 21:10

Fed plan to bring private armies into US will be stopped

February 1, 2011

The “revolutions” that have started in the Middle East are all part of a plot by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board, according to sources deep within the system. As a part of this plan, the series of orchestrated replacements of puppets disguised as “revolutions” that started with Tunisia and moved on to Egypt will continue to unfold in country after country over the coming weeks and months. The end game is to try to provoke major unrest in the US that will lead to the declaration of martial law followed by the use of mercenary armies to enforce fascist rule there. What the Feds do not realize is that all they are doing is exposing their entire network and that they will be stopped by the Pentagon and other agencies. The private armies now deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq will not be allowed to arrest American citizens and put them into FEMA camps, period.
The move by the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate is part of a power grab within very esoteric levels of the secret power structure of the planet, according to sources who cannot be identified without putting their lives in danger.
The sources explained the nature of the secret government in order to explain the exact nature of the power grab that is under way. At the very top of the secret pyramid can be found an individual known as M1, according to them and other sources. Beneath M1 is what is known as M3 and it consists of three people. That is followed by M5 (five people) and then by M9 (number unknown but now believed to be only 6-7 people).
Underneath M9 is a group of 555 people with varying ranks (with 33 being the lowest) who are usually leaders of countries or large organizations. Most 33rd degree freemasons are part of this group.
Below them can be found the visible structures of the government with the UN at the top, the EU and the World Bank on the next level and below that the BIS, US corporate government and the Federal Reserve Board.
In a parallel secret structure with levels ranging from 7 to 13, meanwhile, can be found organizations like the CIA, the NSA, Interpol etc. They act as legal enforcers and protectors of the system.
According to the sources, if you super-impose organizational charts of the visible and invisible power structures on each other, you end up with a Star of David.
The original M1 was President Soekarno of Indonesia. He was removed as part of a power grab by the banking cartel headed by the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and other families that own the Federal Reserve Board.
A new M1 was put in place after Soekarno and he stayed in that role for 33 years, or until September 2001. However, there was a de facto lack of leadership within the secret government since 1995 when the Bretton Woods mandate of the British, French and Americans ran out.
Since that time there has been an ongoing effort by the banking cartel headed by the Rothschilds to replace the entire top of the pyramid, starting with M1. The result has been a leadership vacuum and secret power struggle, punctuated by not so secret events like 911 and the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan
The Russians were never part of this system. Instead, they operated a clearing house with the Western banks known as Alpha Omega station. They will be invited to join the new system that is being prepared.
What is now happening is that a new M1 has been selected and there has been a major infusion of new faces into the ranks up to M9. They say they need to keep their identities secret for their own protection because so much greed and evil gravitates towards the top of the financial system.
The investigations of the group that attempted to grab all the power structures from M9 down to M33 have led to members of the Rothschild family, the Bank of England, the World Economic Forum and the Vatican bank.
It is this group that built up the private armies now killing innocent people in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere. They want to bring those armies into the US as part of a desperate gambit to keep themselves in power. They are also still trying to take over the planet and kill billions of people. They still think they cannot be stopped.
They have been trying very hard to engineer a food crisis and start hunger revolutions throughout the world. They have also been spreading diseases and poisons.
What many of them do not realize is that they will be arrested before they can carry out their plan.
The question, of course, is why and how was the new M1-M9 leadership selected. They say they were selected on a system of merit and need to keep secret to prevent assassination. They also say the M1 is not a secret dictator but rather a person who puts the final signature that frees money to carry out any consensus reached by the visible governments. They promise the new system will set humanity free and stop the rape of the planet.

Source : (article payant)
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Benjamin fullford (Anglais)

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